OLALA ! French courses in  Chamonix & Drôme 

Learn French
Discover France
Enjoy an experience

and much more...




level/A2 - B1




 conversation will be open during 17 weeks


Tuesday and Thursday 

each day is for One level  

A2 to B1 or B2 to C1



We meet online ...

some dates in Chamonix for those who are near Mont-Blanc

(the others online in the same time) 

 no more than 6 people to keep time for each students


Every week, you receive a « roadmap » a few days before our meeting online

so that you are prepared .

(explanations, exercices… this work is more and more adapted to your speficic needs along the course)


Then, in the warm atsmosphere of our small groups, and according to your level,

you will easily dare to speak, react, contradict, hesitate…

and above all you will dare to make mistakes!

We motivate each other.

I lead and I mobilise your knowledge.
I correct  gently, I help  to reformulate.

You will feel more and more comfortable ...
Of course we have as much fun as possible


When,  how often, how long ?


You enroll for 5 - 10 or 15 meetings

 you can express the topics you would like to speak about or the "situation" for which you need to imprive your skills.


(valid for a period of 14 weeks -untill 15 December-  to give us some flexibility)

Estimated personnal work  : 35 hours  
Presence online with the group : 18 hours


  6 months of online daily lessons 

(one lesson/day- 5 days a week- 6 months. Adapted to your level, you can work at your own rythm)

total  530 € .  

Students of level B1/B2 can enrol  without the daily lessons program (400 €)

 Monday: 12h15-13h45 or  Wednesday 18h30-20h 

break week 18 October

depending of your level. (do the test above)

Other schedules are possible on request.

In order to check your level and needs, a 20 minutes free meeting can be arranged

after your registration and  payment of the deposit 

groups start with 3 students. 





lLe Petit Montagnard - Olala French courses. 

747 route des Gaillands 74400 Chamonix

siret 440 890 440 RCS Annecy